Politics, America & 2012 Mayan Prophecy - "How Today's Politics Are Fulfilling Tomorrow's Prophecies"

1. Prophecy is Fulfilled Through Politics

We've been told all our lives never to mix politics with religion - but that would be a huge mistake for leaders, especially in light of two of the biggest upcoming events to take place in this generation:

  • The 2012 Presidential Election   
  • The Mayan Calendar Prophecy on 12.21.12
You see - Prophecy is often fulfilled and connected to politics, and in particular by those at the top.

Take it or leave it. Accept or reject it. Ignite or ignore your spirit. But for those leaders with an open mind and heart - hungry for more insight to "see" and understand the "State of the World" - I've put together this three part series for your edification.

Here's a few examples of why I say prophecy is often fulfilled and connected to politics.

The following were prophesied from the Judeo-Christian scriptures. I'm not assuming you believe the theology of the Judeo-Christian faith. That's not my point. Whatever you believe, these things are all a matter of historical fact - not faith - as foretold by the prophets of that time:

  • It was prophesied to Abraham that the Jews would go into captivity for 400 years and then be delivered from bondage out of Egypt. Who did Moses need to confront and deal with in order to fulfill this prophecy? The Egyptian ruler, Pharaoh, the most powerful political ruler at that time. 
  • The prophetic dreams given to Daniel - What were they about? The historical cycle of world politics and the ruling empires to rise and fall within the prophetic time clock of God's purposes. And in both sets of dreams, who was directly affected by the outcomes of those dreams? The King - the political world ruler of the day. And as we know from history, all four of the kingdoms prophesied about in those dreams; Babylonian, Medi0-Persia, Greece and Rome, rose to power and fell from power just as Daniel prophesied they would. The fifth, and last one, is still to come. 
  • The scriptures prophesied that a savior - the Messiah - would be born in Bethlehem. However, when Mary was almost at full term in her pregnancy she was not living in Bethlehem. How then did this prophecy get fulfilled? The Roman Emperor, Caesar Augustus, decided he wanted a census of his empire and made a decree for everyone to return to their home cities to be counted. Joseph, being of the lineage of King David, returned to the city of David, Bethlehem, where Jesus was born. 
  • Who gave the final word - or allowed - the prophesied crucifixion of Christ? A politician; The Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate. 
 I could go on and on citing examples from both old and new testament scriptures - like the book of Revelation that lays out the whole global political scenario at the end of this age where Israel is the center of attention and attack by a confederacy of other nations.  

Then there are the prophecies of several other genres and religions, like 12.21.12 of the Ancient Mayans, which I will address later, but the point is that as a leader, it's unwise not to see politics through the lens of prophecy if you want to keep your finger on the pulse of future expectation and guidance for yourself and those following you seeking the path of  meaning and life's priorities. 

2. The Main Event - Blue Print for The One World Ruler

In Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, the leading twenty nations of the world, referred to as the G20 nations, just finished another summit to discuss their primary subject, the global financial crisis.

In light of the prophetic time clock - these summits just continue to confirm the old news of the further development of a new world order.

"In light of the interconnectedness of the world economy, the G20 has led to a new paradigm of multilateral co-operation that is necessary in order to tackle current and future challenges effectively. The informal and flexible character of the G20 enables it to facilitate international
economic and financial cooperation, and address the challenges confronting the global economy." - Item 81 from the G20 Leaders 2012 Declaration

By most accounts we are probably still several years away from an actual one world global economy, but it continues to be pushed forward as the solution to the ongoing financial crisis. But let's get to the event that this is all leading to, according to biblical prophecy, and that is the emergence of a "One World Ruler".

This begs the questions:

  • Is it really possible for one man to rule the whole world?
  • If it were, what would have to happen, or what conditions would the world have to be in for this to be possible and/or acceptable? 
Both the OT book of Daniel and the NT book of Revelation (though there are many other supporting texts throughout other books in the bible) describe this one man as a world dictator, otherwise known as the "Anti-Christ".

In general most of the world (though not quite all ) have heard of "Armageddon" and the Anti-Christ or Mark of the Beast-666 and most are at least curious if it will happen, and if so, when and how will it all play out?

3. America Will No Longer Be America

The notion of a One World Ruler or Dictator does have some particular ramifications for our nation. Doesn't it?

For one, if what prophecy says is true about a world ruler/dictator to step on the world scene, I've come to one conclusion: it would be impossible for America to exist as it has been in history, or as it is today. In other words, America would no longer be America.

Consider the following prophesied scenarios:

  • This man will be the ruling dictator of the whole world.
  • There will be a one world religion where all will be required to worship this man the Bible refers to as "the Beast".
  • There will be a one world global economy based on the "mark" or "number" of the "Beast" that all will be required to receive in order to buy or sell anything. 
  • Those who refuse to cooperate with the above conditions will be executed.
  • Eventually this world dictator will lead the nations of the world to attack and destroy the nation of Israel.  
This is the short list of political, religious and economic prophetic scenarios the scriptures lay out.

Now, in thinking about and considering the above, ponder the following questions:

  1. Which of these conditions would our country allow and/or do nothing about?
  2. Will we be too weak as a nation to do anything about it? Or, even worse, will we be the enforcers of it, given the fact that we are currently the only world's true military super power?  
  3. Which of these scenarios have we not already seen in history? For example, mass murder of uncooperative people is nothing new. 
  4. Which of these things have we not heard about or seen the signs of coming about as "Big Brother" continues to demand our cooperation in the loss of privacy for the sake of peace and security?  
  5. Given today's and tomorrow's technology does it not seem feasible to you that all the people in the world could one day be tracked and controlled? We have to eat. We have to buy. We have to sell. We are dependent on the world's resources of energy, oil, water, land and grain. Who's gaining control of it all? 

4. World Control Through Technology - Feasible? 

Let me give you just one simple, but far reaching example, in case you are not familiar with what's coming down the pike next year that none of us who "buy and sell", will be able to escape:

EMV Chip Card Technology

EMV is a creation of a collaboration of Europay, MasterCard and Visa (EMV). It's now the global standard for credit and debit card payments that has replaced the magstripe we are used to swiping in the payment terminal in US stores. Of course this is all to be for our best interests and help avoid fraud and identity theft - but here's the deal - it's not optional:

"...a tipping point in global adoption has been reached with over 1.3 billion EMV payment cards in global circulation and more than 20 million terminlas active worldwide...the EMV standard is set to be introduced to the US market...following recent announcements by Visa and MasterCard with details of mandates for EMV migration in 2013."

This means no one will be able to do business without having this new chip card technology that will contain a vast amount of personal information about you that I won't get into now. All I'm pointing out is FEASIBILITY OF ONE WORLD ECONOMY AND CONTROL.  

"[EMV] will address problems US travelers sometimes encounter when using their magstripe cards overseas in a global chip card environment, a problem that has been growing as the rest of the world moves to EMV chip." 

America is the largest economy coming late to this system because US merchants here have resisted it since the 1990's when it was first implemented in Europe and other countries. But now it is a "mandate".  

"For US card issuers, acquirers and merchants, the realtiy is that EMV is coming...According to VISA, effective April 1, 2013, acquirers and payment processors will be required to support merchant acceptance of EMV chip transactions. And in October 2015 a liability shift will saddle merchants with losses for fraudulent transactions that could have been prevented if the merchants had installed EMV terminals."

In the latter part of the quote above, you can see the penalty banks and merchants will suffer if they don't cooperate. They will have to pay for any fraudulent transactions, something they don't have to do now. So, in other words, we "have to" cooperate with the new global system. And, according to the G20 agreement I quoted above, our government leaders are committed to this new system unfolding before us.

What about Cash?

Again, nothing new - but steadily moving forward and the signs are all around us of how the world is slowly progressing towards a cashless society.
5. The Future New World Identity Control - Logical? 

The Fujitsu PalmSecure sensor
uses a near-infrared light to capture a person's palm vein pattern, generating a unique biometric template that is matched against pre-registered users' palm vein patterns.

National & Crime ID
 - Monday, August 31, 2009 -RNCOS, an industry research firm, has released a global biometric forecast ...a compound annual growth rate of 18% is expected from 2010 to 2012 due to growing identity theft and security concerns...The use of biometric systems for civil and criminal identification are expected to continue to drive the market.

Education - August 28, 2009 in News
The French National Commission for Informatics and Liberty (CNIL) has authorized use of vascular-based biometric systems for ensuring identity of standardized test-takers in France.

Health Care - Data security and identity management in healthcare has never been more critical...The Fujitsu PalmSecure device is a logical solution for these situations.

PalmSecure is only one example of other biometric and technological systems being implemented in the name of "efficiency, convenience and security" 

  • "And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and enslaved, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads, and that no man might buy or sell, except that had the mark..." - Rev. 13. 16,17     

6. Prophetic, Psychological and Political Preparation for a World Ruler

The idea, or attempt, for one man to try and rule the world is nothing new. Alexander the Great, The Roman Cesar's, Napoleon, Hitler - to name a few - all had aspirations to do so. But what's different this time is that the coming world ruler will not force his way to rule, but will rather be welcomed and heralded as a great leader: "...and all the whole world went after the beast in amazement and admiration...and worshiped the beast, exclaiming, who is a match for the beast, and who can make war against him?" (Rev. 13. 3,4)

  • In January of 2011, TV Host and political pundit, Chris Matthews hosted a TV special he called - "President of the World: The Bill Clinton Phenomenon" - He stated: "There's not a single political figure today with the global reach and influence of Bill Clinton...No one else in today's political arena has the ability to command the attention of world leaders and organizations everywhere quite like he does."
  • June 2011: Former Prime Minister of England, Tony Blair stated: "The European Union must elect a president...and lead the European Union on the world stage..." He argued, "that a popular president elected by an electorate consisting of 386 million people, in 27 countries, would send a powerful message to governments around the world...a shift in the perception of the bloc's role from one as a peacemaker to one as a world superpower."
  • September 2009 - NBC's Ann Curry: "In your speeches, you pray for God to hasten the arrival of the hidden Imam, the Muslim messiah. Would you tell us...What is your relationship with the hidden Imam, and how soon do you think before the second coming?" Iranian President Ahmadinejad: "Yes, that's true.  I prayed for the arrival of the 12th Imam.  The owner of the age, as we call him.  Because the owner of the age is the symbol of the justice and brotherly love prevailing around the world.  When the Imam arrives, all of these problems will be resolved.   
  •  Henry Kissinger on Obama, 2009: "Obama the manufactured messiah out of nowhere, Kissinger writes, is the answer. "The extraordinary impact of the president-elect on the imagination of humanity is an important element in shaping a new world order." According to Kissinger, the rapidly unfolding economic depression and accompanying misery for billions of people "generates a unique opportunity for creative diplomacy" to usher in "a world financial order" and force sovereign nations "to face the reality that its dilemmas can be mastered only by common action," that is to say through world government and a New World Order."    
Please don't read more into what I'm pointing out here.

I'm NOT saying
that Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, President Ahmadinejad, or President Obama are candidates for the Anti-Christ. What I'm pointing out is the feasibility and preparation we see and hear all around us for acceptance of a world ruler as "the rapidly unfolding economic depression and accompanying misery of billions of people" in the world continues to grow.

7. The American Dollar & The Global Economy?

  • G8 Meeting-July 2009: "Russian President Dmitry Medvedev illustrated his call for a supranational currency to replace the dollar by pulling from his pocket a sample coin of a 'united future world currency'... China has expressed support for Russia's proposal to hand the IMF the power to create a new supra-national global currency in response to the call for an alternative to the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency."  
  • July 2009: "POPE Benedict XVI has proposed a new world political authority "with real teeth", possibly in place of the United Nations, to enforce an ethical financial order and end the global financial crisis.    

Need I say more?
You can accept, reject, laugh at, scorn or do whatever you want - but all these things are the reality of this age right now and regardless of what you believe - our country and this world are going somewhere new and it's all happening right before our eyes. And as you can see political leaders and public policy are leading the way.

(Sources for the above quotes? Just Google any of the terms above and you'll have more information than you can handle.)

8. Can America Survive As The Lone World Super Power?

"Historically, America has shown that it rises to the occasion when challenged. But the world of the twenty-first century presents far different challenges form those in the past. The world is now almost everywhere politically awakened-with millions stirring restlessly in pursuit of a better future. . It is also experiencing the dispersal of global power...Consequently the world is much less susceptible to domination by a single power, even by one as militarily powerful and politically influential as the United States...a stable global order ultimately depends on America's ability to renew itself and to act wisely..." - Zbigniew Brzezinski, former Carter National Security Advisor and professor of American foreign policy at the school of Advanced International Studies at John Hopkins University.

The answer to the above question depends upon whether President Obama or Mitt Romney will learn from history - something other world leaders of prosperous nations have proven not to do - and lead America to renew itself and act wisely in the years ahead.

That is the subject of the second article in this three part series... 

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    Richard R. Ramos is an author, speaker and former Pastor. He currently is the President/CEO of the Latino Coalition for Community Leadership and Founder of "Parents on a Mission" - a leadership movement for safe communities.


    December 2012

    Politics, Prophecy, Mayan
